The Jotnar

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As the months pass, it is painfully obvious that 6 years of hard work have gone the way of the passenger pigeon. At least not everyone wasted their time promoting and such! (<- denote dry british sarcasm) Well, Liney and Mike are still bringin' it in a little band called Sanford Drive! Rob has devoted his time to discovering his full potential. Ya can't blame someone for wanting to know some info like "who am i?"...can ya?...we can't!!!!...Rob will be around jammin out this summer at the barn as healthy as ever and much more in tune with his chi. Ian, well he has joined the legendary cover-band Yellow Delicious and is attempting to twist their brains. (rumor has it he is trying to play Jotnar tunes in that group...tsk tsk tsk)...Much luck to Ian in all of his post-Jotnar endeavors. Jim Mattey has recently been found in Avon! After living in Utah and Iceland, I'll never understand why he chose Avon over Chardon...Maybe cuz it b close to Interstate 90...Yo yo yo, the Jotnar was never the same after Jim left and I am amazed that the "hiatus" didn't come years sooner after his departure! Tru-dat! I imagine not many people come to this relic of a site, so I'll close with this statement : "THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO SUPPORTED THE JOTNAR OVER THE YEARS...TO ALL OF YOU WHO NEVER CAME TO A SHOW AND HAVE THE NERVE TO ASK 'WHAT IS UP WITH THE JOTNAR', WELL WE WERE 6 MONTHS AHEAD OF THE CURVE AND YOU ARE A DAY LATE AND A DOLLAR SHORT! BEYOTCH!!!"

Thanks for readin this mumbo gumbo jumbo dumbo, and check out http://members.cox.net/jotnar for yer Sanford Drive Info! - Mike